First Built Shelter

First Bulit Shelter

The earliest proof for built shelter seems to have been made by Homo herdelbergensis, who lived in Europe between around 800,000 B.C.E. and 200,000 B.C.E Anthropologists are unsure whether these were ancestors of Homo sapiens (humans) or Homo neandenhalensis (Neanderthals) or each. 

At the French site of Terra Amata, that dates back around 400,000 years, archeolog‘sts have found what they believe to be the foundations of huge oval huts. one among these shows proof of fire in a fireside, though different archeologists postulate that natural processes might be responsible. archaeology on sites from many thousands of years past is difficult. Claims of the invention of built shelters in Japan from over 500,000 years past were discredited in 2000. In fact, all evidence for humans in Japan before 35,000 years agone is presently questionable. we have a tendency to do recognize that our ancestors stayed in caves for hundreds of thousands of years. however caves are solely found in bound areas. whether or not they started building 100,000 or 400,000 years agone, their ability to make shelters near to food, water, and alternative resources provided our ancestors with protection against the weather and dangerous animals. Living about to work conjointly gave them longer to experiment with alternative ways of doing things; in other words, time to create.

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